She puts on a stunning display live on This Morning every day.
Yet had a slight flaw in her polished appearance on Thursday as she took to the couch before realising she still had the tag left on her skirt.
Sharing a giggle with her co-host — who was grumbling over an itchy label — she revealed the tag was still attached to her £149 skirt.
Oh no! Holly Willoughby had a slight flaw in her polished appearance on Thursday as she took to the couch before realising she still had the tag left on her skirt
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data-fff_main_title=»Say it in sequins like Holly in a sparkly skirt from Hobbs» website
data-fff_capped_bodys_first_paragraph=»Holly Willoughby is having a very festive week. …» data-fff_share_url=»»
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Holly looked incredible in the Claudette Sequin Skirt from Hobbs, yet she had unfortunately forgotten to remove the tag.
Phillip demanded somebody source a pair of scissors, when he flashed his label, yet Holly took things in hand by yanking her tag off.
It comes shortly after it was revealed that she earned an impressive £2m last year, thanks to her This Morning and Dancing On Ice hosting gigs, and other endeavours.
The presenter, owns an 80 percent share in a company she runs with her producer husband Dan Baldwin — Roxy Media Ltd.
Wah! Sharing a giggle with her co-host Phillip Schofield — who was grumbling over an itchy label — she revealed the tag was still attached to her £149 skirt
Oops! Holly looked incredible in the Claudette Sequin Skirt from Hobbs, yet she had unfortunately forgotten to remove the tag
Records for the firm show her 2019 earnings — with £1.5 million in the bank after shelling out £407,850 in Corporation Tax, according to The Sun.
The publication reports that Holly’s ITV presenting gigs earn her around £600,0000-a-year.
This is despite the fact she only works four days a a week and gets all school holidays off, pts terbaik sumatera for This Morning, and only hosts Dancing On Ice one night a week for a couple of months in the year.
Partnership: The presenter owns an 80 percent share in a company she runs with her producer husband Dan Baldwin — Roxy Media Ltd [pictured together last month]
On top of this, Holly charges £25,000 for speaking engagements. She also has ad deals with household retailer Dunelm, as well as the likes of M&S and Garnier.
Regarding the latter, Holly joked she would be ‘out of a job if I wasn’t blonde’ as she hosted a tutorial on how to dye your roots at home with Davina McCall on Tuesday.
The presenter light-heartedly said she was relieved Davina, 53, would never be blonde again because she would ‘be out of a job’.
It comes after Holly returned to This Morning on Monday after taking two days off due to a coronavirus scare with two of her ‘very poorly’ children.
In the money: On top of this, Holly charges £25,000 for speaking engagements. She also has ad deals with household retailer Dunelm, as well as the likes of M&S and Garnier