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Jenkins This season is a giant second-line defensive phenomenon level. He can successfully focus on the front of the opponent’s top, and he was rated as the fifth good corner of the League by the professional football focus.

Black Leopard coach: hiring offense coordinator Joe-Braddy and university experienceFrom the panther hired Joe Brady to the Offense Coordinator for the past six months, New Shuai Matt Lu (Matt Raple) is familiar with him during this. But this doesn’t mean that Lu can rest assured to make tickets this season.

This excellent corner guard hit the teammates in the upper half of the game, and his hit the teammate knee. It is not yet clear that Jenkkins can restore in time to play on Thursday, the Mall of the Eagle. He is expected to not absent for a long time, but he absents the training on Monday.

«I want to hiring Joe, during the LSU coaching, his offensive system is similar. When a college is a coach, I will refer to many NFL videos. I respect Sean Payton, The system of saints, their execution, and stable high level performance. «

Lu said: «The truth is & mdash; & mdash; I said because I and Qiao relations are very good & mdash; & mdash; until the start of the season, I will not until the chemical reaction of Qiao Braddy in the field. Until the situation varies Before, it is unlikely to coach with other people. When you are being burst, everything is crashing, you can really see the people around you. «

In fact, Washington can quickly integrate into the patriot’s offensive system, because the Texas of Texas last season is the success of this system last season of Texas, Bill O & # 39; Brien is the success of this system.

The pirate announced on Wednesday that after being cut off by Denver’s wild horse, Bath agreed to sign a contract with the team. NFL official website reporter Ian Rapople reported that this contract was two years, with a maximum value of $ 2.75 million.

He said: «After deep thinking, my wife and I think this is the best decision, I am very fortunate to stay in NFL for 7 seasons, staying 3 great team Luhua, Viking and Hawks I am very grateful to those friends who have passed, but now I am very expected to live in my future. «

Washington’s 2015 season has spent 47 battles in Houston Texas. In 2005, he added a player’s steel person with a player, and his career completed 458 battles to advance 6594 yards and 44 reachaes. In 2011, he ushered in Tennesi Toyan to completed 74 battles to advance 1023 yards and 7 reaches.

After the trading rumor came out, Titan players Derrick Henry and A.j. Brown (A.j. Brown) publicly expressed the intention of the Social Media. Brown and even self-made a video, Wholesale jerseys explaining why Titan and Jones will be in the sky.

The team has opened the first round for Guan JonesUS Time Thursday, according to ESPN reporters, the Falcon has obtained several transactions on Julio Jones, which also have the first round of privileges.

Jones put forward its own requirements after the start season, but the falcon chose to secretly conversation until recently. At present, the Falcon does not want to trade Jones to other nationals, but if the price is appropriate, it will consider.

The Jones career has been for 10 years of falcation, and it has been selected for professional bowls in 7 times, and the best lineup is selected for 2 times. Due to injuries, Jones last season Jones only played 9 games, completed 51 battles, pushed 771 yards, reached 3 times.

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